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Key tax figures for 2025
Wealth Planning

Key tax figures for 2025

A look at the 2025 tax rates and contribution limits means individuals may save or gift more this year. Our Bill Cass shares the updated key tax figures and some planning considerations for the year ahead.

Time is running out: Is a Roth IRA conversion right for you in 2024?
Wealth Planning

Time is running out: Is a Roth IRA conversion right for you in 2024?

Taxpayers may want to consider a Roth IRA conversion for 2024 but need to act before the end of the year to realize income this year. Our Bill Cass explains when a Roth conversion may make sense.

End-of-year giving tips: Tax savings through charitable contributions
Wealth Planning

End-of-year giving tips: Tax savings through charitable contributions

To maximize tax benefits from year-end charitable giving, you may want to use strategies like lumping contributions, making qualified charitable distributions from IRAs, and gifting appreciated assets. Our Bill Cass shares the key questions to think about when planning.

Year-end estate planning: Strategies for maximizing tax benefits and legacy planning
Wealth Planning

Year-end estate planning: Strategies for maximizing tax benefits and legacy planning

With year-end looming, consider taking action now to determine if annual gifts make sense. Our Bill Cass shares useful strategies to consider for estate planning.

What retirement plan advisors need to know about in-plan retirement income solutions

What retirement plan advisors need to know about in-plan retirement income solutions

It is important for savers to understand guaranteed and non-guaranteed options when looking at retirement solutions offered within a 401(k) plan. Our Mike Dullaghan shares the highlights and talks about the need for personalized strategies.

By the numbers: Changes set for Social Security and Medicare in 2025
Wealth Planning

By the numbers: Changes set for Social Security and Medicare in 2025

In 2025, Social Security will see a 2.5% cost-of-living adjustment. At the same time, Medicare Part B premiums and the annual deductible will increase. Our Bill Cass explains the key changes planned for Medicare and Social Security.

Act before year-end to manage your tax bill
Wealth Planning

Act before year-end to manage your tax bill

Before the year 2024 comes to a close, it's time to optimize your tax strategy. Our Bill Cass shares some tips including timing deductions and harvesting losses.

Modernizing retirement plans with alternative investments

Modernizing retirement plans with alternative investments

Change is on the horizon for hard working Americans saving for their future, as 401(k) plans are now embracing private market investments. Savers may soon have access to opportunities previously reserved for institutional investors. Our Yaqub Ahmed and Kevin Murphy talk about the trends and opportunities.

Turning after-tax plan contributions into tax-free retirement income
Wealth Planning

Turning after-tax plan contributions into tax-free retirement income

Retirement plan savers looking to mitigate the risk of higher taxes in the future may benefit from making after-tax contributions to employer plans, which may be transferred to Roth accounts. Our Bill Cass details a “mega backdoor” Roth strategy.

Get a jumpstart on year-end planning with this useful checklist
Wealth Planning

Get a jumpstart on year-end planning with this useful checklist

Year-end can be an opportune time to review finances, rebalance portfolios, and possibly reduce taxes. Our Bill Cass shares some highlights from a year-end planning checklist.

Medicare open enrollment presents opportunity to change existing plans
Wealth Planning

Medicare open enrollment presents opportunity to change existing plans

Medicare open enrollment, held from October 15 to December 7, allows individuals to change or sign up for plans, and potentially save money and improve coverage. Our Bill Cass shares the key things you need to know.

Surviving disaster: Key considerations for moving ahead
Wealth Planning

Surviving disaster: Key considerations for moving ahead

Surviving a disaster involves securing safety, accessing help from agencies, and documenting damages for insurance claims. Our Bill Cass highlights numerous resources for financial relief, including accessing emergency funds, insurance and tax considerations.