Beyond Bulls & Bears

Evergrande and China: A Lehman Moment—or Less “Grande” Than That?

Evergrande and China: A Lehman Moment—or Less “Grande” Than That?

With respect to the evolving Evergrande situation in China, our Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions team addresses two main questions: could this be a “Lehman moment,” and what are the global implications of a Chinese property market slowdown?

Are We at the Inflection Point of Climate Change Investing?

Are We at the Inflection Point of Climate Change Investing?

The rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is nothing short of extraordinary, according to Yu Meng, Chair of Asia Pacific at Franklin Templeton. As we are constantly reminded by extreme climate change events, he says urgent actions are required from all of parts of society and the economy, including the financial markets. In this excerpt from his recent article, “Are we at the inflection point of climate investing?” in the Journal of Investment Management, Meng explores whether climate change investing is at an inflection point.

Quick Thoughts: Innovation Builds Deep Water Technology Waves

Quick Thoughts: Innovation Builds Deep Water Technology Waves

The next decade will see an urgent and widespread boom in investments in innovation across all economic sectors, according to Stephen Dover and Kim Catechis of the Franklin Templeton Investment Institute. They say this technology wave will be experienced in both private and public sectors, and in every facet of investment portfolios for years to come. Below are some of their thoughts from the Institute’s Deep Water Waves paper.

The Value of Being Actively and Constructively Engaged

The Value of Being Actively and Constructively Engaged

Robust engagement with company management can be key in sparking catalysts that unlock shareholder value and potentially lead to better returns over the longer term, according to Franklin Mutual Series Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Ambassador Tim Rankin.

Greener Post-Election Germany Likely, but Limited Fixed Income Impact
Fixed Income

Greener Post-Election Germany Likely, but Limited Fixed Income Impact

The German election resulted in change in party leadership, but market impact should be limited, according to David Zahn, our Head of European Fixed Income. He shares an overview of the election implications.

Coalition Politics: Compromise is Key to Funding Germany’s Future

Coalition Politics: Compromise is Key to Funding Germany’s Future

A three-party coalition could soon govern Germany for the first time in the country’s history following recent elections. Matthias Hoppe, senior vice president and portfolio manager, Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions, believes uncertainty caused by coalition talks is likely to increase volatility in Europe’s financial markets, but changing a conservative attitude to public spending is the real challenge for a new government as Germany wrestles with the reality of increasing macro-economic imbalances and a stated aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.

Quick Thoughts: Digital Trends Impacting Investors and Advisors

Quick Thoughts: Digital Trends Impacting Investors and Advisors

Investors and financial advisors alike want to understand the fascinating trends that are transforming the investment industry. Recently, our Chief Market Strategist and Head of Franklin Templeton Investment Institute, Stephen Dover, hosted a roundtable discussing trends at the intersection of innovation and goals-based investing with Yaqub Ahmed, Head of Head of Investment-Only Division-U.S., U.S. Defined Contribution, U.S. Insurance & Sub-Advisory; Adam Petryk, Head of Solutions Strategy and Development, Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions; and Craig Ramsey, Chief Operating Officer, AdvisorEngine.

Quick Thoughts: Addressing Undiversified Risk

Quick Thoughts: Addressing Undiversified Risk

When diversification is a core principle for successful investing, what stops women from offering their talents in finance and investment careers? Katrina Dudley, Investment Strategist for Franklin Mutual Series, and I discussed diversification risks and Dudley’s and Ellen Carr’s new book, "Undiversified: The Big Gender Short in Investment Management."

Paradigm Shifts Impacting the Investment Landscape: China, Inflation and Monetary Policy
Fixed Income

Paradigm Shifts Impacting the Investment Landscape: China, Inflation and Monetary Policy

There are several “paradigm shifts” impacting markets today, according to Templeton Global Macro CIO Michael Hasenstab. He outlines how central banks might approach tapering of pandemic-driven asset purchases, and the potential investment risks and opportunities he sees.

High Yield Bonds in View: The Impact of Inflation
Fixed Income

High Yield Bonds in View: The Impact of Inflation

Our high yield corporate credit team has been monitoring how inflation is impacting various market sectors, with an eye on four factors: input cost inflation, pricing power, impact to earnings and repricing vulnerability. Here, Matt Fey and Brian French explore which sectors may be more greatly impacted within these areas, and why corporate credit in general should be able to weather inflation reasonably well.

Quick Thoughts: The Growth and Inflation Argument Continues

Quick Thoughts: The Growth and Inflation Argument Continues

When it comes to questions about inflation, growth, and the impacts of vaccination rates on global economies, many of us are asking: what’s next? Our Head of the Franklin Templeton Investment Institute, Stephen Dover, and five economists from Franklin Templeton’s specialist investment teams discuss the current environment and how it shapes their views on the path forward.

An Update on US Growth and Post-Pandemic Equity Opportunities

An Update on US Growth and Post-Pandemic Equity Opportunities

Franklin Equity Group Portfolio Manager Grant Bowers discusses whether recent moderation in US growth will continue, and where he’s finding opportunities in equities today.