Beyond Bulls & Bears

ECB hikes rates—one more to come?
Fixed Income

ECB hikes rates—one more to come?

The European Central Bank hiked rates 50 basis points. Curious about what that means for investors? David Zahn, Head of European Fixed Income shares his thoughts.

ECB jumps on the bandwagon to start hiking rates
Fixed Income

ECB jumps on the bandwagon to start hiking rates

The European Central Bank held its June meeting this past week, and while it didn’t raise interest rates this time, it signaled rate hikes would begin in July. David Zahn, our Head of European Fixed Income, offers his take on the meeting, noting the central bank has turned more hawkish than many expected.

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Mutual Series Portfolio Managers Katrina Dudley and Mandana Hormozi discuss why Europe deserves renewed attention. They believe newfound stability and unity of the region, its pioneering use of regulation and environmental initiatives and accelerating vaccine rollout provide Europe scores of return potential.