Beyond Bulls & Bears

Quality microcaps can weather the current storm

Quality microcaps can weather the current storm

Mutual Series’ Oliver Wong believes high-quality microcaps house hidden benefits, despite the extreme market declines seen in the first half of the year.

Communications breakdown: The broadband wasteland

Communications breakdown: The broadband wasteland

In the second of a two-part series on the communications services sector, Mandana Hormozi of Franklin Mutual Series maps out cable companies’ rocky traverse to new territory and reveals areas where she sees opportunities abound.

Communications breakdown: The great subscriber shuffle

Communications breakdown: The great subscriber shuffle

In the first of a two-part series on the communications services sector, Mandana Hormozi of Franklin Mutual Series breaks down the streaming wars and uncovers hidden opportunities she sees within the rubble.

Europe Outlook: A French Economic Evolution

Europe Outlook: A French Economic Evolution

Franklin Mutual Series’ Katrina Dudley sees President Emmanuel Macron’s re-election as a positive for the French economy and regional equity markets over the longer term.

The Uncharted Greenspace in Small-Cap ESG

The Uncharted Greenspace in Small-Cap ESG

Lead Portfolio Manager Steve Raineri and ESG Lead John Chow of the Franklin Small-Cap Value Team within Franklin Mutual Series discuss small company ESG investing, why it presents an opportunity and how ESG analysis helps investors become better stewards of client capital.

As Rates Rise, Financials Can Shine

As Rates Rise, Financials Can Shine

Mutual Series’ analysts see value opportunities in the financials sector as the interest-rate environment turns more favorable in the United States and European banks see greater clarity about the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war.

The Value of Being Actively and Constructively Engaged

The Value of Being Actively and Constructively Engaged

Robust engagement with company management can be key in sparking catalysts that unlock shareholder value and potentially lead to better returns over the longer term, according to Franklin Mutual Series Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Ambassador Tim Rankin.