Beyond Bulls & Bears

Financial independence remains a top priority despite employee feelings of financial anxiety

Financial independence remains a top priority despite employee feelings of financial anxiety

US workers are clearly feeling the strain of economic uncertainty, according to Franklin Templeton’s third annual “Voice of the American Worker” study. The study revealed that financial anxiety has reversed the pandemic’s “Great Resignation” to “the Great Return” and is reshaping employee benefits expectations. Our Jacquelyn Reardon shares findings from the survey, and potential action items for employers.

“Managed accounts” is a terrible name

“Managed accounts” is a terrible name

The retirement savings industry is at the dawn of a mega-trend that will define the next decade or more—personalization, according to Kevin Murphy, Franklin Templeton’s Head of Workplace Retirement Distribution.

Re-Evaluating Work and Retirement

Re-Evaluating Work and Retirement

Franklin Templeton’s second edition of our “Voice of the American Worker” survey revealed that US workers are re-evaluating how they think about their jobs and what they expect from employers. Respondents also expressed a focus on financial independence and well-being. Our Yaqub Ahmed and Jacquelyn Reardon share findings from the survey, and potential implications for employers.