Beyond Bulls & Bears

A vote for value stocks in 2024

A vote for value stocks in 2024

At Mutual Series, we do not believe the packed and contentious 2024 global election season will upend the major long-term trends around supply-chain links, energy security and defense—all of which can further support certain value stocks.

Value stocks—now and always

Value stocks—now and always

The value style is in the early stages of what Mutual Series believes could be a multi-year outperformance relative to growth.

Inflation Insulation: Navigating the Nuances of Inflationary and Rising-Rate Environments

Inflation Insulation: Navigating the Nuances of Inflationary and Rising-Rate Environments

Moderate inflation can be good, especially for some value stocks. Christian Correa breaks down why investors should not be afraid of the current inflationary or rising rate environments and explains how they can actually help some businesses and areas of the equity market.

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Mutual Series Portfolio Managers Katrina Dudley and Mandana Hormozi discuss why Europe deserves renewed attention. They believe newfound stability and unity of the region, its pioneering use of regulation and environmental initiatives and accelerating vaccine rollout provide Europe scores of return potential.