Beyond Bulls & Bears

Japanese equities—A force awakens

Japanese equities—A force awakens

From inflationary tailwinds for earnings growth to corporate reforms that unlock shareholder value, multiple regime shifts are underway to restore the appeal of the Japanese equity market, according to the Templeton Global Equity Group team.

Using avoided emissions to build the case for investing in climate change

Using avoided emissions to build the case for investing in climate change

Activities that help companies avoid emissions are an attractive investment opportunity, according to Templeton Global Equity Group Portfolio Manager Craig Cameron. By actively seeking opportunities to reduce emissions, he says investors can align themselves with sustainability goals that contribute to a low-carbon economy.

International equities: Poised for recovery

International equities: Poised for recovery

Making the case for international value investing—thoughts from Templeton Global Equity Group on why now’s the time to consider expanding one’s investment horizons.

One small step forward—one giant leap away from deflation in Japan

One small step forward—one giant leap away from deflation in Japan

Templeton Global Equity Group weighs in on inflation’s emergence in Japan, recent monetary policy shifts, and the implications for investors.

Where have all the 100-yen stores gone?

Where have all the 100-yen stores gone?

Templeton Global Equity Group explores the legacy of Abenomics, the emergence of inflation in Japan, and finding value opportunities there.

The Great Wave of Yen Weakness

The Great Wave of Yen Weakness

A weaker Japanese yen is thought of as positive for Japanese businesses with a high degree of exports, but it may not necessarily be as beneficial as many think, according to Templeton Global Equity Group.

Thoughts on Russia-Ukraine

Thoughts on Russia-Ukraine

The degree of the impact of recent Russia-Ukraine strife largely depends on the Western response, which in turn depends on the severity and duration of the conflict itself, according to Templeton Global Equity Group. The team shares its latest views on the situation.