Beyond Bulls & Bears

Survey Shows Importance of Personalized Approach to Retirement Planning

Survey Shows Importance of Personalized Approach to Retirement Planning

Franklin Templeton’s 2021 US Retirement Income Strategies and Expectations survey revealed financial-related concerns across generations of Americans including health care, inadequate savings, and debt management—and the need for a personalized approach to retirement planning. Our Sean O’Malley discusses some of the findings of this year’s survey, and how respondents currently feel about their financial future.

On My Mind: Leaving QE, Never Easy
Fixed Income

On My Mind: Leaving QE, Never Easy

This year’s annual economic policy symposium in Jackson Hole opens the six months that will likely define the legacy of the Powell Fed’s first term. The robust recovery, high inflation and record asset prices call for the Fed to wind down an extraordinary monetary easing that is also exacerbating economic inequality. But leaving QE isn’t easy, as financial markets have become overly dependent on Fed support. In her latest “On My Mind,” our Fixed Income CIO Sonal Desai discusses the Fed’s challenges and what they mean for investors.

On Post-Pandemic Growth and Inflation, Equity Prospects and Income-Seeking Strategies

On Post-Pandemic Growth and Inflation, Equity Prospects and Income-Seeking Strategies

Ed Perks, CIO of Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions, outlines what factors should likely support economic growth, how he views inflation, why US equities remain attractive, and where income-seeking investors should look for potential opportunities.

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Eurovision: Scores of Return Potential

Mutual Series Portfolio Managers Katrina Dudley and Mandana Hormozi discuss why Europe deserves renewed attention. They believe newfound stability and unity of the region, its pioneering use of regulation and environmental initiatives and accelerating vaccine rollout provide Europe scores of return potential.

Quick Thoughts: China’s New Regulatory Cycle
Emerging Markets

Quick Thoughts: China’s New Regulatory Cycle

China is in the midst of a tightening regulatory cycle which has led to some investor uncertainty and heightened market volatility. Our Chief Market Strategist, Stephen Dover, discusses China’s aspirations to increase economic growth while also providing social fairness and stability.

The Certainty of Change: Evolution of Investor Access to China

The Certainty of Change: Evolution of Investor Access to China

The unpredictable nature of politics and government action within individual countries can make a case for disaggregating international exposure, according to our Dina Ting. She outlines some recent regulatory developments in China within the lens of exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Quick Thoughts: Are You Pricing in Water Risk?

Quick Thoughts: Are You Pricing in Water Risk?

Our Chief Market Strategist, Stephen Dover, believes that water risk is global now—devastating floods, unseasonal hurricanes, droughts, megafires, and more demonstrate this. The economic implications of risks related to water are significant and should be considered when investing.