Beyond Bulls & Bears

2022 ESG engagement report

2022 ESG engagement report

Transparency should be the bedrock of sustainable finance, while engagement is the essence of a transparent flow of information between issuers, investors and other market participants. Hear from David Zahn as he introduces the 2022 ESG engagement report. He believes that through our engagements, we are committing to the development of a sustainable finance ecosystem that delivers the best results for everyone involved.

Muni bond update: Credit quality still looks strong
Fixed Income

Muni bond update: Credit quality still looks strong

While 2023 has started on shaky ground for the municipal bond market, there are reasons to be optimistic for more stability ahead, according to Jennifer Johnston, Franklin Templeton Fixed Income’s Director of Municipal Bond Research. She explains why California’s issues don’t reflect all states, and offers reasons for optimism.

Quick Thoughts: Is normal really what we want?

Quick Thoughts: Is normal really what we want?

Tighter monetary policy can lead to inverted yield curves, but is a recession inevitable? Thoughts from Head of Franklin Templeton Institute Stephen Dover.

Outlook for US fixed income and equities amid tighter financial conditions

Outlook for US fixed income and equities amid tighter financial conditions

Following the 25 basis-point (bp) increase that the Fed announced on February 1, 2023, Franklin Income Investors Chief Investment Officer Ed Perks answered questions about his outlook on US interest rates as well as fixed income and equity securities for the rest of 2023.

ECB hikes rates—one more to come?
Fixed Income

ECB hikes rates—one more to come?

The European Central Bank hiked rates 50 basis points. Curious about what that means for investors? David Zahn, Head of European Fixed Income shares his thoughts.

On My Mind: Fed to markets—keep dancing
Fixed Income

On My Mind: Fed to markets—keep dancing

Markets think the war against inflation has been won—and the Fed seems to believe it too—but has it? Franklin Templeton Fixed Income CIO Sonal Desai analyzes the latest data in light of the Federal Reserve policy meeting and examines whether a “painless landing” is possible.

US budget season implications for the muni market
Fixed Income

US budget season implications for the muni market

A slowdown in US economic activity this year is likely to impact most states, which could face budget deficits, according to Jennifer Johnston, Franklin Templeton Fixed Income’s Director of Municipal Bond Research. She outlines implications for the muni market.

On My Mind: Transitory tightening?
Fixed Income

On My Mind: Transitory tightening?

Does the latest US data confirm the battle against inflation has already been won? Franklin Templeton Fixed Income CIO Sonal Desai says markets are overly optimistic.

Quick Thoughts: What to watch in 2023

Quick Thoughts: What to watch in 2023

Stephen Dover, Head of Franklin Templeton Institute, shares his scorecard on some market prognostications for 2022, and what his team is watching in 2023—from blockchain to balanced portfolios.

On My Mind: Listen to the man
Fixed Income

On My Mind: Listen to the man

Financial markets seem to have gone from “don't fight the Fed” to “don’t believe the Fed,” opines Franklin Templeton Fixed Income CIO Sonal Desai. She offers her thoughts following the US central bank’s December policy meeting, and warns to brace for more volatility ahead.

Harnessing the power of duration

Harnessing the power of duration

Yield is set to be a more important component of total return for investors during the next few years as the “Fed Put” exerts less influence on markets. Ed Perks, CIO of Franklin Income Investors, analyzes the move higher for rates and spreads and shares his expectations for yields and total returns across the capital structure during 2023.

Quick thoughts: Investing for the next decade

Quick thoughts: Investing for the next decade

Franklin Templeton recently hosted an investment forum in Singapore, and much of the dialog pointed to a growing gap in growth outlook emerging between Asia and the West. Stephen Dover shares some key takeaways from the forum.