Beyond Bulls & Bears

Where Are the Workers?

Where Are the Workers?

As the Federal Reserve debates its monetary tightening timeline, the labor market is an important factor to watch in the year ahead, according to our Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions team. Read their thoughts on the labor market’s implications for both monetary policy and risk assets.

Quick Thoughts: What Our Managers Think: Positioning Portfolios for 2022

Quick Thoughts: What Our Managers Think: Positioning Portfolios for 2022

Stephen Dover, Head of the Franklin Templeton Investment Institute, recently discussed growth, inflation, interest rates, and valuation during our monthly discussion, “What Our Managers Think,” with Ed Perks, Chief Investment Officer, Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions; Gene Podkaminer, Head of Research; and Josh Greco, Head of Institutional Portfolio Management. Below are some of their current views on positioning portfolios for 2022.

Japan: A New Quiver of Arrows?

Japan: A New Quiver of Arrows?

With a new Prime Minister taking the helm in Japan, what does the future hold? Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions’ Gene Podkaminer and members of the research team take a look at both local and global trends influencing Japan—and why investors should pay more attention to the country.

PODCAST: Potential Longer-Term Effects from Current Economic and Investment Challenges

PODCAST: Potential Longer-Term Effects from Current Economic and Investment Challenges

Franklin Templeton’s Sonal Desai, Martin Currie’s Alastair Reynolds, and ClearBridge’s Pawel Wroblewski join our Kim Catechis to assess the possible investment impacts of major global challenges, including the ongoing pandemic, growing income inequality and climate change.

Evergrande and China: A Lehman Moment—or Less “Grande” Than That?

Evergrande and China: A Lehman Moment—or Less “Grande” Than That?

With respect to the evolving Evergrande situation in China, our Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions team addresses two main questions: could this be a “Lehman moment,” and what are the global implications of a Chinese property market slowdown?

Are We at the Inflection Point of Climate Change Investing?

Are We at the Inflection Point of Climate Change Investing?

The rise of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing is nothing short of extraordinary, according to Yu Meng, Chair of Asia Pacific at Franklin Templeton. As we are constantly reminded by extreme climate change events, he says urgent actions are required from all of parts of society and the economy, including the financial markets. In this excerpt from his recent article, “Are we at the inflection point of climate investing?” in the Journal of Investment Management, Meng explores whether climate change investing is at an inflection point.

Coalition Politics: Compromise is Key to Funding Germany’s Future

Coalition Politics: Compromise is Key to Funding Germany’s Future

A three-party coalition could soon govern Germany for the first time in the country’s history following recent elections. Matthias Hoppe, senior vice president and portfolio manager, Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions, believes uncertainty caused by coalition talks is likely to increase volatility in Europe’s financial markets, but changing a conservative attitude to public spending is the real challenge for a new government as Germany wrestles with the reality of increasing macro-economic imbalances and a stated aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045.

Quick Thoughts: Digital Trends Impacting Investors and Advisors

Quick Thoughts: Digital Trends Impacting Investors and Advisors

Investors and financial advisors alike want to understand the fascinating trends that are transforming the investment industry. Recently, our Chief Market Strategist and Head of Franklin Templeton Investment Institute, Stephen Dover, hosted a roundtable discussing trends at the intersection of innovation and goals-based investing with Yaqub Ahmed, Head of Head of Investment-Only Division-U.S., U.S. Defined Contribution, U.S. Insurance & Sub-Advisory; Adam Petryk, Head of Solutions Strategy and Development, Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions; and Craig Ramsey, Chief Operating Officer, AdvisorEngine.

On Post-Pandemic Growth and Inflation, Equity Prospects and Income-Seeking Strategies

On Post-Pandemic Growth and Inflation, Equity Prospects and Income-Seeking Strategies

Ed Perks, CIO of Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions, outlines what factors should likely support economic growth, how he views inflation, why US equities remain attractive, and where income-seeking investors should look for potential opportunities.