Beyond Bulls & Bears

ECB jumps on the bandwagon to start hiking rates
Fixed Income

ECB jumps on the bandwagon to start hiking rates

The European Central Bank held its June meeting this past week, and while it didn’t raise interest rates this time, it signaled rate hikes would begin in July. David Zahn, our Head of European Fixed Income, offers his take on the meeting, noting the central bank has turned more hawkish than many expected.

Saving for college: Start small, but start now

Saving for college: Start small, but start now

Graduation season provides an important reminder of the high costs of a college education. Sandra Palmer, Head of 529 Distribution at Franklin Templeton, discusses how to finance a college education, how it’s similar to saving for other life goals, and how friends and family can get involved.

Quick thoughts: Navigating uncertainty in a rapidly changing world

Quick thoughts: Navigating uncertainty in a rapidly changing world

Thoughts on recent market volatility and implications for investors from Head of Franklin Templeton Institute, Stephen Dover.

Making the case for municipal bonds despite recent volatility
Fixed Income

Making the case for municipal bonds despite recent volatility

The first half of the year has so far been challenging for investors in municipal bonds. Ben Barber, Director, Municipal Bonds, Franklin Templeton Fixed Income, shares his latest outlook and reasons for optimism.

On my mind: Overdue reality check for Fed and markets has barely begun
Fixed Income

On my mind: Overdue reality check for Fed and markets has barely begun

Franklin Templeton Fixed Income Chief Investment Officer Sonal Desai believes investors’ expectations that interest rates will not rise much may be very misguided.

Quick thoughts: Global Investor Forum 2022

Quick thoughts: Global Investor Forum 2022

The Franklin Templeton Institute hosted the Global Investor Forum last week in New York featuring internal and external speakers with expertise across economics, history, foreign policy, sustainability and investment management. Here are my key takeaways:

Drilling Down: Oil Production Scenarios Across Countries

Drilling Down: Oil Production Scenarios Across Countries

With economies scrambling for alternatives to Russian fossil fuels, Dina Ting, our Head of Global Index Portfolio Management, offers perspective on single-country portfolio exposure to other world oil producers.

Credit: This Time Is Different?
Fixed Income

Credit: This Time Is Different?

Credit market volatility this year has been extreme. The Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions team looks back at history to see what to expect from certain fixed income asset classes, noting that history may not repeat. They also examine the likelihood of recession and its possible severity.

PODCAST: Making Sense of the Recent Market Selloffs

PODCAST: Making Sense of the Recent Market Selloffs

Wylie Tollette, Head of Client Investment Solutions with Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions, joins the head of the Franklin Templeton Institute, Stephen Dover, for a conversation on the recent equity market selloff. They discuss why the pendulum has shifted so strongly negative, whether there is any bottom in sight, and where investors looking for diversification could go.

Don’t Fear the ETF Liquidity Boogeyman

Don’t Fear the ETF Liquidity Boogeyman

Selling an exchange-traded fund (ETF) should be just as easy as buying one, irrespective of the fund’s size or volume. David Mann, Head of Global ETF Capital Markets, discusses why investors need not fear some unknown future event when making today’s investment decisions.

The Great Wave of Yen Weakness

The Great Wave of Yen Weakness

A weaker Japanese yen is thought of as positive for Japanese businesses with a high degree of exports, but it may not necessarily be as beneficial as many think, according to Templeton Global Equity Group.

Managing Challenges in US Equity and Fixed Income Markets Today

Managing Challenges in US Equity and Fixed Income Markets Today

Coming out of the depths of the pandemic, US equity and fixed income markets are facing new challenges this year amid a rising interest rate environment and deceleration in growth. With this changing backdrop, Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions’ Ed Perks shares his latest outlook and the investment opportunities he sees across asset classes.